Press release: Toyobo Cosmolight QZ
AllFlexo B.V. proudly presents the Toyobo Cosmolight QZ water washable flexo plate.
“Der Verpackungsdruck” is a special magazine for packaging printing, that highlights the production processes from the dummy to the completion of packaging with its further development and functionality. Well-known experts from research and technology act as the editorial advisory board for them. Recently, the new Toyobo Cosmolight QZ caught their attention.
Even though water washable flexo plates have existed for years, Toyobo continues its development and advancement. The Cosmolight QZ water washable flexo plate is one of Toyobo’s latest developments that guarantees sustainability and affordability, while delivering reproducible and consistent print quality. Some of the benefits of using the cosmolight QZ is that it reduces energy consumption, operating cost and increases productivity.
The article highlighting more detailed information about the numerous advantages that Toyobo Water Washable Flexo Plates offers can be found on page 2 of Der Verpackungsdruck. Or you can download the full press release below.
Schedule an appointment to know more about Cosmolight QZ!